Wednesday, October 3, 2012

After beating myself up over yelling at my kids, because I was scared....not actually because they had done anything wrong....I decided I was the worlds worst mother and started feeling like all I ever do is yell at my kids.   Where was that "Leave it To Beaver" mom that I felt my kids deserved?

Reality is that kids are messy and have selective hearing.  You whisper to your husband that you bought kit kat bars and they come running down they stairs yelling that they want one....but when they are standing a foot away and you tell them to stop putting their fingers up their noses its like talking to a wall.   While you are cleaning one room, they are in the next room completely destroying the work you have probably just completed.  You buy them cute clothes that look great on them and they insist on dressing themselves....they come out wearing clothes that don't match or are completely stained, typically backwards with two different shoes.  You bathe them before bed and somehow they wake up in the morning as if you had never even washed them off.  You cook a great big dinner to hear "I don't like it".....this could go on and on forever but you get the idea....KIDS ARE MESSY!

Okay, so kids are messy and have an amazing skill of only hearing what they want....time to stop striving to be that "Leave it To Beaver" mother....who is completely fiction and start being a "GOOD ENOUGH" mother....after completely venting to my MOMS Club friends about how I had lost sight of what was important many of them lifted my spirits by telling me that I am a good mother...and that they too often times feel like they should play more and yell less. 

So, yesterday I worked to make it a memory day....a memory day is where you MAKE a memory...don't wait for them to happen!!! Just do it!  My children and I played until they just didn't want to play and create anymore!  With my kids this is no small feat.  Thank you pintrest for all the great is a few pictures of our amazing day.

What I learned is this....being a mom isn't easy and it definitely isn't like it's portrayed on most movies.  However, it is still the greatest thing in my life I will ever children are only going to be little once and once they are teenagers, they aren't going to want to play with mom I am learning to be a "Good Enough Mother" and will be putting down the laundry that always seems to pile up anyways and picking up a paint brush and doing something fun with my children.  Children are our legacy....they are learning how to be parents and loving spouses from us, right now at this moment we as parents are influencing our children and helping to shape them into the adults they are going to be....time to teach them that doing your best is always enough.

Stay posted to see what this "Good Enough" mother does today :)